Onto Thursday's Stuff!
Here are some beautiful pictures of Jesus since I didn't start this til Monday! Next week they'll be pictures that relate to the Gospel Reading on Sunday!

Most of these pictures were found on DeviantArt.com when I searched Jesus except for the last one! That on was found when I searched Jesus on Google Images!
I also promised another Video from Youtube, right? So here it is! It's called East to West by Casting Crowns!
East to West-Casting Crowns
I like the first one best! I can't believe people drew those, they're beautiful!
I know right???
its acually more likley that jesus was either black or darker skined than he is most often painted. he was born in the middle east, and there for was probably not pale and blond. : )
Totally! Jesus would not have looked like that at all he would have been middle eastern! Okay so now the whole pro life thing. Saying you are pro life is so not what being against abortion is about. Being against abortion is like being anti life. Seriously if someone who didn't want to have a baby had one there life and the babies would be pretty wrecked. A baby forming inside a woman is not a person yet. They could not live without the woman therefore they are part of the woman. The woman should have that choice about her body and future. I am "pro life" meaning I want people who are already alive to have good lives, but I am all for woman having the choice of abortion, that is pro life!
The last anonymous comment, you read my mind! Pro-lifers like to think that they are considering both lives when it comes to abortion, but they really aren't. They only think of the baby, which, as you said, is part of the woman. The woman has more life in her than the baby, which means she should be considered at every time before anyone considers the baby. And prolife is a nice way of saying they are against abortion, against free will, free choice, free decisions, and they are all for the government controlling MINE and YOUR bodies! That's not pro-life at all! more like pro- it's my way or the highway!!!
That's not what pro-life is at all. Maybe you should stop making fun of my opinion and support yours. And I'm sorry anonymous, whoever you are, I really don't believe that's what pro-life is. Sounds to me like you're pro-choice.
I am pro-life, unlike-pretty much-everyone who goes on this blog. Happy against Steph day!
Don't worry Steph! I'm with ya!
Thanks Strudel for backing me up. Skittles I am once again NOT making fun of you! Or your oppinion! Plus yah I am pro choice!
P.S. No one is making fun of you why are you so defensive?
Anonymous, I agree with you once again. It's called a debate. We're supposed to argue and say what's wrong with the other side.
For anyone here, not just skittles, don't make yourselves out to be victims or anything. It is completely pointless to wish us a happy Against Steph Day, because that's not what it's about.
Can't we just debate the topic and not take things so personally? Isn't that what this whole blog is about? Posting our opinions? We didn't make fun of your opinion. We said that we felt that's what being "prolife" means to us. Don't put up a wall!
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