Okay, on the front it has Baby Jesus surronded by animals and it says "For Unto Us A Child Is Born." The picture looks something like this:
He was born in an obscure village. He worked in a carpenter's shop until He was thirty and for those years He was an itinerant preacher. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never owned a home. He never had a family. He never went to college. He never traveled 200 miles from the place where He was born.He never did one of the things that accompany man's idea of greatness. He had no credentials but Himself. While He was still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against Him. His friends ran away. Some of them denied him. He was turned over to His enemies. He went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed to a cross betweeen two theives. While He was dying His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He had on Earth---His coat. When He was dead, He was taken down and laid in a borrowed grave. Nineteen centuries have come and gone and today He is the central figure of the human race. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that were ever built, and all the parliments taht ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have never affected the life of man upon earth as powerfully as has that one solitary life.
Isn't that just beautiful??? I thought you'd like it!
And now onto the question...
What do you guys think about sentencing someone to death row and them knowing that when their time comes for the death penalty they'll get killed by law???
Hope you guys will comment because I really want to know what you guys feel about this topic.
Oh and by the way, I don't believe there should be women priests because God made priests in the image of Jesus Christ. If you didn't figure it out already, Jesus was a man. This may sound hypocriticalish because I am all for women's rights but I don't believe that being a priest should be one of them!
Um that is murder! I do not at all believe in the death penalty! Woman should have every right men do. Why should woman not be priests?
I don't think women should be priests because priests are supposed to be in the image of Jesus and Jesus was a man, not a woman. Woman can't be as close to the image of Jesus because of their anatomy! I really don't want to bring anatomy into this but pretty much women can have babies, men like Jesus can't! I believe priests should be as close to the image of Jesus as a person can get! Men are much closer to being what Jesus was like than women are!
I was just wondering...Do you believe in Jesus Christ???
First of all, it depends on what you mean when you ask if I believe in Jesus. Yes, I think it's a fact that the person that you refer to as Jesus Christ did exsist. However, people of my faith do not refer to him as Jesus Christ, because Christ means G-d, and we do not believe he was G-d.
We also refer to dates as B.C.E and C.E (before common era and common era) Rather than B.C. and A.D. (which mean before Christ and ano domini, which is in the years of our lord. Once again, we don't believe that Jesus was any more than a man that lived and died, so that explains that....)
Now to answer the death penalty question. I am a fervent believer in eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. What goes around comes around. If this person was a killer, or a serial rapist, he ruined the lives {or ended the lives} of countless people. He {or she} deserves death.
I am also aware that the death penalty is sometimes too quick and painless. It's almost TOO nice. It's sorta hard to explain, but it's like a free ticket out of pain and sometimes I don't think the death penalty is good enough.
Don't think of me as an evil person or anything, but if someone were to hurt anyone in my family, I would want them to suffer. Not just sit in a comfy jail cell, being handed free food, water, heat. Jail can be seen as a luxury. Sure, it's not the best place in the world to be, but it sure as heck isn't the worst.
Bottom line: If someone did something horrible to ANYONE in my family, or to one of my friends, I would want to see them suffer. And pay. And by pay, I mean die. Or suffer. umm.... 0:-) {angel face}
Right on, Strudel!
I think it comes down to which they would prefer, death or jail for life, then give them the other one. It depends on the circumstances too.
Whatever would be more painful, torturous or discomforting to the guilty person works for me because sometimes the best medicine is a taste of their own!
Of course, everyone deserves the right to a fair trial, and it would have to be absolouley proven that he/she is guilty.
Overall, I agree with Becca that jail isn't always a terrible place, but sometimes death isn't the most disturbing dwelling either. Once again, the circumstances/situation is crucial and should be thoroughly investigated.
The death penalty is wrong. Does this statement make sense: Killing people who killed people to show people that killing people is wrong. I know, a little confusing, but think about it. Our government says that killing is wrong, it is against the law. So, why do we kill people under the death penalty? It certaintly doesn't send the message that we shouldn't kill people, and it certaintly hasn't slowed down the death rates.
Death penalty is based on revenge, not justice. Everyone keeps mentioning that they don't want someone to live if they killed their friend or loved one. That is pure, BIASED revenge. The government does not have the right to allow a biased act to occur. Jail for life is justice. Death is revenge.
Life in jail is not, in any way, a luxurious experience. Rape, bullying, and other cruel and horrific things happen in jail. I would not say the food is fit for kings either. Their rooms and the jail is dirty, disgusting, and forces the people in it to think about their crime. Although they will never get out they will have to live face-to-face with their consequences for the rest of their life. This is worse than the death penalty.
Also, many murder and other death-penalty leading cases have found that the accused was innocent. That means that the person who dies under the death penalty never committed the crime. That is very wrong. There is no way to know that evidence proving their innocence will never appear. It very well could. It happens all the time.
Circumstances are irrevelant. If you believe in death penalty for circumstances, you are for the death penalty. Please acknowledge that. I believe that their should be no death penalty for any circumstance! The death penalty is an easy way out. We are one of the few modernized countries that still allow the death penalty. We are the only country in the United Nations who still allows the death penalty. We should make it illegal.
If you guys want to email me regarding this blog, you should email me at catholicgirl12030@yahoo.com cause apparently my other email doesn't work! Steph and Becca, you guys can still email me at the regular email, you know it!
Alexa right on! We are sending an awful message when we kill people. No matter what killing is wrong! I don't see how that can be a punishment. Locking someone behind bars for life seem sufficient.
It seems like you guys think that revenge is a bad thing....But how would you honestly feel if someone were to kill your best friend, or rape your sister? Would you want justice, or revenge?
People can get out of jail easily by good behavior. It's called parole. And most often, when the death penalty is issued, there has been a thorough investigation. Sure, there are people who are wrongly founded guilty when they are in fact innocent, but I think that the occurence is very rare.
More often than not, when a person is tried and found guilty, they are in fact guilty. There has to be sufficient evidence that states that they are guilty, and when that evidence is provided, then the person is obviously guilty.
People do some really terrible things out there, far worse than the broad terms "murder" and "rape". Why should we allow these people to fall back into society when they have proven again and again that they live to commit crime?
And why should our tax dollars go to housing these criminals in a jail? Would you want to pay for the meal of a murderer?
I certainly do NOT want my money to go for housing criminals. It could be better used for education, or homeless shelters, or the environment. But paying to keep criminals living? What purpose does that even serve? They're not contributing to society in any positive way at all, so why should we keep them around?
The death penalty serves to rid the world of evil people. They thought that they were above the law, so why should they be given the right to live when their victim wasn't given that right? The victim was at least innocent, yet it still died at the hands of the murderer! The death penalty is here to stay.
Revenge is a bad thing! People who commit an act of revenge most often feel guilt, because they were not in a right and fair state of mind. Revenge is unfair to everyone involved. The government should rule based on justice, never revenge.
From a financial perspective, the death sentence costs more to taxpayers than life in jail. http://www.deathpenalty.org/index.php?pid=facts states that the death penalty cost people in New Jersey $253 million since 1983, which is more than it would have cost for those people if they had been in jail for life without parole.
Is it right for the innocent to die? That website also said that 123 innocent people were released from death row since the penalty was reinstated. Those people almost died. I don't think that innocent people die as rarely as you think.
Many sentences against people who commit the crimes that lead them to death row are sentenced as life without parole. They cannot have parole because they commit such terrible crimes.
The people in jail for those awful crimes do not get to go back into society. Their life has pretty much ended, except that they are not dead. There are many reasons not to make them literally dead, as I have already stated.
Sometimes the evidence points them to be guilty, but it is not all the evidence. The evidence could be fabricated or incomplete, leading to a WRONG sentence. People shouldn't die based on a wrong sentence. Their death does nothing for society and is only an act of revenge.
Does the death penalty really serve as revenge though? Isn't justice all about giving the people what they deserve? Does someone who has taken away another's life really deserve to live?
If they treasure life so much, why would they take away someone else's?
The innocent surely should not die, but what happens to the guilty? What are people going to miss about these wanted criminals? Their hate crimes? Their cruelty? What is the point of keeping them alive and on earth? How is that any better than just killing them off?
We're not teaching people not to kill by killing ourselves, we're showing that this is the punishment that comes when you decide to do something that endangers the lives of those around you. How does it make the world a better place by keeping these people around and alive? They do nothing but sit and rot in their jail cells. They can't even get a job to support our country's economy.
I just wanted to say you both are doing an awesome job! Thought I have to side with Becca, Lessay's arguments are well thought out, researched and reasonable.
Fantasic debating you two!
How is the world a better place by killing those people? The family of the person in jail can at least visit them, while the family of the victim does not have to deal with the person on the streets. Both sides benefit, not just the victim's family when the person gets the death penalty. When people believe in the death penalty, they mention the victim's family. What about the family of the person in jail? They have to deal with the loss of their family member. At least they can visit them in jail.
Justice is when things are treated fairly and equally. The person on death row as well as their family are not getting the fair treatment that they are supposed to get in America. An eye for an eye is not a phrase that should be used in our country. I punch you and walk away. Does that mean that you should punch me back (and I'm not talking about defensively)? Obviously not. And the government certaintly does not say that's right. So why should the death penalty be right? It is not justice. It is revenge for the grieving family.
They deserve punishment and having a terrible life in jail is punishment. Death penalty is the way out. Would you rather sit and rot in jail for the rest of your life or die quickly? And I'd like to mention that the person who goes under the death penalty cannot support the country's economy by getting a job either.
First of all, priests shouldn't be about how you look, but about what you say. They should be an image of love and forgivenss, and it doesn't matter what they look like. Would you say that someone should't be a priest because they had black hair, and maybe Jesus didnt? And as for the death penelty, it is murder and no one has the right to take away someone's life.
last anonymous, did you check out the abortion question??? If you want to, just click older posts at the bottom then scroll down and do it again. The abortion post is in red! Check it out! Youd seem like you would have a strong argument!
I just don't think that a murderer deserves the same rights as you or me. They took someone else's life so why should they deserve to live while the innocent person had to die at their hands? It just doesn't make sense. Anyway, how would you feel if you were involved in a situation like this like if one of your family members were killed or something? Would you be so against the death penalty then?
Lessay, let me ask you this. If you don't believe the death penalty is ever right, under no circumstance, would you believe if we found Osama Bin Laden, we should let him stay alive? I don't think so! He deserves the death penalty. If Hitler didn't kill himself, he deserved the death penalty. Keeping terrible people like this alive makes people worried and is not alright. I know I don't want those people cozily sitting in a jail cell. They deserve death. Wouldn't you agree?
And as for this woman/man priest debate: no one is greater than Jesus. No one can compare to Jesus. So why should all priests be Jesus look-alikes? A priest should be someone who is very spiritually active and faithful. Someone who others can trust, and someone who is dedicated to their work. Not male or female, not black or white, not red-head or blonde. Because those things have nothing to do with your personality, faith and spirit. Saying women shouldn't be priests is sexist. There's no other word for it. Sorry Zo.
Thats exactly what i was thinking steph! And what you said earlier is right. The people should be asked which they prefer, death or life in jail, and they should be given the other one.
But seriously, the death penalty is getting rid of these people for good. Why should they live? They're just eating our food, basking in our heat, taking up space in our jails. The food and money could go out to hungry people in third world countries or something! I would rather give 100 dollars to kill a criminal than give 10 dollars to feed it. Thats the bottom line. Especially if they hurt someone in my family. I care too much about the people that I love to believe that a murderer should be given the same rights as you and me. Rules are only for those that follow them. If they didnt follow the rules, why should we?
sorry that above comment was by me. I filled in the nickname box but it didnt work out. ERGH!!!!!!!!
>:( <----- he's an angry face!
Death is never justice. I obviously agree that killing people is wrong. Our government says that killing is wrong. So why should killing a killer be right? Killing profits no one and harms many, in any situation, including the death penalty. It is unnecesary and a complete act of revenge. Again, I would be horribly distraught if someone killed my loved one. My thoughts on their punishment are not fair and in a right state of mind. My feelings about the person should not set their punishment. Our government, as a fair and equal source, should not base the the future of these people on revenge and on someone's feelings who is clearly biased. That is why the death penalty is wrong.
Osama Bin Laden did terrible things. But again, my opinion on his fate should not matter. Killing him will profit no one, while life in jail with be a terrible fate. (They do not sit "cozily" in jail. Jail is not an amusement park.)
Asking people what they prefer and giving them the opposite would not work at all. People would say the opposite to begin with and get the one they want more!
I would like to point out that it is a little hypocritical to say that you want the money spent on the criminals to go people who need it, and then to say that you would want to kill them and spend more money than to spend less by keeping them alive. I believe that instead of spending all the money killing the criminals, which essientially ignores the problem of murder in our country, we should spend the money on groups that intend to stop crime in the first place.
First of all, I know you know killing is wrong. But, did the criminal? He/she's the one who killed somebody. It's not like these people are innocent little puppies.
When I talk about Osama, I'm not talking about which punishment I think he should suffer the most. I'm talking about getting him out of this world. Sure. He could sit in prison, but what if he planed an escape? Tricked some people, did some business that wasn't exactly clean to get him out. You might be thinking that is very unlikely. But if you ask people if they thought 9/11 was an accident waiting to happen, I bet you won't get very many people. Of course jail isn't Lollipop Land, but let me ask you this: Where would you rather live? In the cold, damp streets without food or water, no access to bathrooms, and no people to talk to OR a room with a bed, toilet, warm meals everyday, social interaction, and clothes on your back? Even if you have to put in a little hard labor, jail is better than the first scenario.
And the point of "giving them the opposite" is to not actually ask them. The point of saying that was because I think you should give them the punishment they would suffer the most in.
As for the money: We shouldn't be choosing based on which costs less. That's ridiculous. Cheapest isn't always the best way.
Does the criminal know that killing is wrong? I'm not sure what your point is, but I do know that by killing the criminal they have no chance to understand that what they did was wrong. By forcing them to confront their situation every day of their life, they are living with the hardship they brought upon themselves.
Escaping out of prison is excruciatingly rare. Osama being one of the few prisoners that ever escapes is only barely likely. I don't think that the government should make a ruling based on a "what if?"
We're not comparing jail life to street life. We are comparing jail life to death. How people live on the streets does not matter, especially as death might be an easier solution to them as well.
As I've already said, I think a life in jail is worse than death, and should thus be the only option for criminals. And as for the money, which makes more sense to you: spending money only on killing criminals or spending money to stop criminals as well as spending money on their lives in jail? I know that you spend money on people in jail, but I also know that it costs less than killing them, making extra money possible to address the real problem. Money always matters.
I think instaed of making criminals sit around all day, we should put them to work! They can make clothes for children in Africa or something like that. If they are going to spend 60 years in prison, they should be doing something rather than just getting angrier every day. Think of all the clothes could be on the children in Africa if every prisoner made on shirt in three days? Oh, i also think that death penelty is a bad idea. If you don't have any mercy for criminals, then why do you care what happens to them?
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