Hey! It's Holy Thursday and I just got back from church. Our priest reenacts the Last Supper and so he asks 12 men, acting as the 12 disciples, to have their feet washed by him. He's getting old, though, so it's kinda scary watching him struggle to get up and get back down but he's an amazing priest! I love him soooo much. They needed more men so my dad went up and it's always really funny cause he had to do it for the past couple of years. I think that he secretly enjoys it! haha Today you guys get another video and I had to search for this one a little because I didn't have any more submissions for music videos. I don't mean to get annoying but this is another Casting Crowns song! Don't hate me, Steph. I know you hate em! I really like this video! I just happened to find it! Here it is
While You Were Sleeping by Casting Crowns
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