Hey! This is one of my favorite songs. We sing it and do hand movements to it at church and the little second graders are going to sing it at their First Communion! They're going to be sooo cute! Well here's the song!
You Are My All In All
Wow. Saying that Catholics are rude and discrimate against gays and others is an incorrect and stereotypical statement. I don't appreciate being judged like that when you don't even know us.
That last sentence didn't make sense... And it was just as rude to say that as discriminating against gays and "anyone else that is not Catholic." Which by the way, not all Catholics do. Asking Jesus to save you from his followers, which happen to include millions of magnificant people, is ignorant and rude. That was a sick statement. And I am extremely offended.
Can anyone tell me who is the girl singing "You are my All in All" in this video? I want to buy it. And to "anonymous": The Catholic Church loves homosexuals, and knows that homosexual acts (sodomy) will land them in Hell forever, and to really love someone is to desire and work for their eternal salvation. Not to tell gays that their lifestyle will have everlasting, horrific consequences is not love at all!
I think that was really rude and I'm not even Christian.
Well I think the Catholics are rude for discriminating against gays and anyone one else who is not Catholic!
Wow. Saying that Catholics are rude and discrimate against gays and others is an incorrect and stereotypical statement. I don't appreciate being judged like that when you don't even know us.
I am not going to coment cause you'll probley file a police report on me. Oh and I happen to know that some of you a religon and gay discriminators.
That last sentence didn't make sense... And it was just as rude to say that as discriminating against gays and "anyone else that is not Catholic." Which by the way, not all Catholics do. Asking Jesus to save you from his followers, which happen to include millions of magnificant people, is ignorant and rude. That was a sick statement. And I am extremely offended.
Can anyone tell me who is the girl singing "You are my All in All" in this video? I want to buy it. And to "anonymous": The Catholic Church loves homosexuals, and knows that homosexual acts (sodomy) will land them in Hell forever, and to really love someone is to desire and work for their eternal salvation. Not to tell gays that their lifestyle will have everlasting, horrific consequences is not love at all!
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