Hey! :) Today's debate topic day! This is the last one I have that has been submitted so I need you guys to send me more. I'm getting desperate you guys! Email any ideas you have to whyilovejesusblog@yahoo.com. Here's the debate topic:
Do you believe in the apocalypse (the end of the world)? Why or why not? When do you think it will happen? Why will it happen? What will happen when it happens?
I don't think I believe in the apocolypse in the sense that it'll be this big to do as the end of the world. I think the world is going to either deteriorate due to global warming, or die off due to a superhuman virus or nuclear warfare. I think it'll be something that's OUR fault, not something sent or ordered by God.
I agree. Although I wish I could say that everyone in the world will someday unite and "go green" and take precautions to save our world, I don't think that everyone will help enough soon enough. People just don't care and I don't think they will ever care. I don't think our generation will have to worry about the apocolypse or whatever happening while we're alive. But our grandchildren? And our great-grandchildren? Who knows.
PS Sorry to be so depressing. :)
Fact: Every year we move a bit closer to the sun. Eventually, we will get to close and die of heat. Scientist predict that this won't happen for millions of years, but it will still happen. If the planet is not destroyed by humans first.
I don't mean to be so negative, but the human race needs to open there eyes and see the truth so we can make changes in this world. We need to be frank. Go green and make peace! It is the only hope we have. And if we just sit around fearing change, we will get no were. So Alexa, don't be sorry for being depressing! I am glad that people like you are brave enough to say scarry stuff like that! It gives me hope!
Here are some debate topics.
• Should religion be taught in public school?
• Should we allow cloning?
• Is it right to have sex before marrige?
• When Jesus was reserected, what form did he come back in (body, spirit, ect.).
• Do babies who die go to heaven?
I don't have email so I thought I would poast them.
ZOE I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have a link for freerice.com at the bottom of your page! EVERYONE GO TO THAT SITE!!!!!!!! You improve your vocabulary and feed the hungry at the same time!!!!!!
It would take too long to explain my whole thing on the apocalypse, but I just wanted to thank anonymous for the debate topics.
Other anonymous, it's a little weird saying you love me cause i put a link at the bottom of the page but thanks...i guess.
I agree with roni and alexa. the way things are going, the human race does not look very bright. even if a few million people spend their entire lives educating the world and recycling and re-using, there are still BILLIONS who aren't doing these things. It's kind of depressing to think about, but i believe that at the rate we're going, the human race is going to end in the next few hundred years. honestly, I'd be mega surprised if we made it another millenium.
Zoe, I think you should explain your views on the apocolypse, however long it may be. I'm curious to know if you agree with the rest of us or not.
I agree completely with Roni, Strudel, and Alexa. Our future is not very bright. Right now people aren't motivated to change. They don't want to change. They want to remain in a selfish bliss (sorry if that sounds harsh), but it's true. People don't want to think about the horrible truths. They have created the mind-set that we can continue the path we have been taking and we will not suffer the consequences. It's sad and frustrating. Even people who are for "green" have developed the mindset "not in my backyard". If too many people have that mindset we will be lucky to reach the end of the millenium like strudel said. Then there's the factor of war, America, and nuclear weapons. America has become arrogant and has been going about converting different countries to democracy the wrong way. We have been forcing it on them, with no respect for the way things have been for thousands and thousands of years. Also, as the most powerful country in the world we think we are ahead in everything. We're not. Our economy is in bad shape, we are trillions of dollars in debt because of the last two wars, we are behind on the green movement, and we are behind in education. We are spending money on killing people, while our money could go towards causes that can only help and wont cost any lives. We are creating more enemies than allies. Because of how we've dealed with things in the middle east, a lot of countries hate us. And we ask why. We are not willing to admit our mistakes and that is a weak thing for the most "powerful" country in the world.
Okay, sorry rant over and when I say we I mean the majority of america, that does NOT mean everyone is to blame.
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