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Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday-Animal Testing

Hey! It's Monday! I'm so tired I just don't know why. It's actually really funny. Well, here's the debate topic:

Do you think animal testing is right? When is it morally right to test things on animals? Why kinds of things should be allowed to be tested on animals and what shouldn't be?

This was submitted by Alexa! Thanks!



Anonymous said...

This is a tuff one. I don't think it is right to abuse our power of being the smater species and taking advantage of the fact that animals are not as smart as we are, but at the same time, we could discover cures for deseases on testing monkeys and save millions of people. I would rather have a human live than a monkey. I am for finding new ways to test medicines, but untill we do so, this is the only way we have got. But for pointless expirements, we should not test on animals.

Anonymous said...

Animal testing really makes me cringe. It is so sad to see all those animals with distorted faces and scattered wounds from being tested on. I don't think that I agree with animal testing ever, because the amount of animals that are tested for cures (even for big diseases) is horrifying. It is torturing animals, and most often yields nothing in the end. I don't know how animal testers for things like shampoo and make-up can sleep at night. Animals have to go through all these horrible and painful tests just for a shampoo! And then they are killed at the end. It is absolutely saddening how some people mistreat and torture innocent animals.

It is harder, though, to find where the morals lie for tests for medicines to cure cancer and stuff...

Anonymous said...

Alexa, I totaly agree on the beauty product thing! We should not test on animals for those things. I forgot to say that. But for dieases, it gets hard.