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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday-Abortion in Poland

Hey! I know we've talked about abortion alot but here's another debate thingy news article. It's short so I don't think I have to summarize it but it's really interesting. So here's the link



Anonymous said...

Not this again. Here lets put it this way. The prolifers are going to be prolife no matter what the prochoicers say and the prochoicers are not going to be prolife no matter what the prolifers say. Well atleast for the people who go on this site. We have over debated this and it gets boring after a while. Here are debate topics for yal.

Who do you think should win the election and why?

What happens in the afterlife?

Strudel!_1234 said...

Her body, her choice. ESPECIALLY if it was rape.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Strudel, and the poor girl mus be miserable! Imagine if you got on international telivision for that and everyone was trying to convince you to get or not get an abortion. They should leave the poor girl alone. It isn't the presses buisness what she does. The media is just dying for a new story so they decide to humiliate that girl. It is discusting.

Strudel!_1234 said...

I completely agree with you roni. The media has no right to put themselves into the life of the girl (and the same goes for the government).

catholicgirl12030 said...

anonymous, don't be mean just to be mean. i understand what your talking about but that's not what this is about. and if you would have read all of them, you would know that we don't discuss politics and we have already discussed the afterlife.


Anonymous said...

I think that I wasn't being mean at all. I was saying that all the people on this site are passonate about there opinons and they aren't going to change. We can tell because we have debated this many times and no one has changed there opinon. This is the first time on this site so I did not know the debate rules. I think you are the one being mean here. I just want to say, we have debated abortion about three times. Why can't we debate the afterlife topic again?