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Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's Saturday!

It's Saturday and I've changed the whole Saturday thing a long time ago. It's really supposed to be definitions of words and stuff. As you probably already know, this Sunday is the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. I was reading my Sunday Missal and these are some of the words in it!

eucharist: The true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, who is really and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine, in order to offer himself in the sacrifice of the Mass and to be received as spiritual food in Holy Communion.

reverence: The virtue that inclines a person to show honor and respect for persons who possess some dignity.

redemption: The salvation of humanity by Jesus Christ.

There you are! If you guys have any questions about this, just ask in a comment. If you have any ideas for the different blog days (like Saturday) email them to me at ! If you have any questions that you would like to be featured in the Monday posts, email me (to the email address above)!



Anonymous said...

So when Jesus offered the bread and wine he was supporting being a vampire and canible? LOL!!! Sorry if I offended anyone, I just had to say that

catholicgirl12030 said...

LOL? I don't think that's funny! I just got home from church and I would definately not consider myself or anyone that goes to church and eats the host or drinks the wine canibles or vampires. Seriously, you need to be respectful of other people. You should try watching somebody be respectful cause apparently you don't know how to.


PS This is a place where we are respectful of everyone. I would appreciate it if you were too!