Okay this question's coming from the desk of Steph! She sent me this like 10 years ago and I forgot to post it. So here it is!
Do you think, in public schools, they should teach and encourage contrapceptive use (sexual protection, birth control, condoms etc) or just abstinence (not having sex)?
Okay, I know there's a ton of different stuff you guys could say, so say it! :)
Okay I'm sorry about the whole stripping smiley thing cause umm it just kinda appeared and it didn't show up on my screen so I'm sorry about that! Thanks to Roni for warning me! Some innapropriate comments were posted and they will be deleted immeadiatly!
That is an intresting question.
What a lot of people think is that if we provide birth control at our schools, it will encorage more girls to be sexualy active. The girls who are already having sex, will still have sex with or without birth controll. And if it does encorage more girls to have sex, then atleast they won't get pregnant. It boils down to girls being pregnat or girls not being pregnant. Which would you prefer?
As much as we would like to think that we are going to talk every girl out of having sex, that is not a possible idea. So should we not give those girls what they need to help them with there problem? I don't think that so.
Plus, you might have heard about the thing at King Middle School. What a lot of people don't realize is that if you go to any doctor in the state of maine, by the law, the doctor can not tell the parents of the child anything that the doctor and the patient disscus. That includes anything she might perscribe. By the law. Any of you who go to a private doctor could go get birth controll and your parents could never know. That is not just a King Middle School rule.
So I think that if perscribing birth controll could save one girl from getting pregnant, it will be worth while.
And for all you pro lifers out there, say if a girl gets pregnant and she gets an abortion, her (non alive) baby could have been "saved'' if the girl took birth controll. Think of that.
I think that schools should teach birth control along with abstinence. Teaching about birth control does not encourage sex, same as teaching about geometry doesn't make kids interested in math. However, I disagree with the King Middle School situation. Teaching about birth control to high schoolers is okay. But handing out birth control is something that a parent needs to discuss with their middle school age children. Handing it out to eleven, twelve, and thirteen year olds is making sex, however safer, an easier option. If kids don't feel comfortable enough to ask their parents for birth control, they are not responsible enough to be having sex. The school should not go against the parents like that. Also, sex is ILLEGAL for 11, 12, and 13 year olds!!!
I am a pro lifer and I believe that having an abortion because you forgot or didn't take birth control is terrible. Plain, simple murder.
I definitely think that contreceptives should be taught about alongside abstinence. It doesn't mean that teachers are going to go around saying "Have sex! And here, use these!" It's about protection. If only abstinence was taught, then what would happen if a girl suddenly got in the heat of the moment with her boyfriend? She would probably panic, and not know about the right way to protect herself, and could very easily end up getting pregnant or getting an STD. People who only teach abstinence are naive in thinking they can really convince students to wait. While most do, there are always girls- and boys- who have sex while they're still growing up. Since there's no way to avoid that, we might as well take a step to make it a little bit safer.
Now about the whole school situation. I think that was irresponsible on the school's part. Birth control pills are drugs. They are pills and, just like any other type of drug, they are to be taken in a specific way. You can't rely on an 11 year old to know how to read the labels of a drug bottle correctly and know how to take the pills. Going to a doctor and asking for pills is one thing. But being given pills without even being asked is another. It could even be taken offensively by extremely religious girls, or girls who are planning to wait until marriage or something.
So in conclusion. It is important to teach abstinence AND birth control, but handing out birth control seems to me to be promoting sex, which is not what birth control is about.
Oh--and are you sure that sex is illegal for 11, 12 and 13 year olds? I think that's only if its with someone who is over the age of 18, although i could be wrong! :)
Nope. In Maine, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 14 to have sex with anyone. Two thirteen year olds cannot have sex with eachother legally! It is also illegal for someone older than 18 to have sex with a minor.
The school itself is not giving out the birth control, it is the school clinic. Two seprate things. Oh and all the girls who needed the birth control were 14 and 15, not 11. All the kids that are having sex, were legal. And you can get birth controll at a private doctor also. So that means an 11 year old that has a private doctor could get birth control. The clinic just wants to have all the options a private doctor has. A clinic is the same exact thing as a private doctor, it is just free and only for king students.
I agree with Alexa and Strudel.
Schools would not necessarily ENCOURAGE sex by teaching about birth control. They would simply be notifying children of the dangers of STDs and teen pregnancy and how to have safe sex to begin with. I think schools should also notify students of hotlines and programs that help kids cope if they ever have unprotected sex and are in trouble and need help.
However, schools should not be providing birth control to middle school children without parental permission. I think it's up to the child and the family how to get birth control and stay safe. You can't give a minor birth control without consent of moms and dads. It's their children and they deserve to know what drugs they're on. Like Strudel said, birth control pills ARE drugs.
Schools should not in ANY way be related to the distribution of birth control to children without parental consent. And though the clinic is a private doctor seperate from the school, kids can still get the pills without permission from parents.
And Roni, (I saw a Bill O'Reilly show on this) though the birth control is meant for 14 and 15 year olds, anyone in the middle school can obtain it. Why else would there be a controversy about 11-year-olds getting birth control?
Anyone there?
By the law. Any of you who go to a private doctor, in the state of maine, could go get birth controll and your parents could NEVER know. That is not just a King Middle School rule. It is the law. Not Kings choice.
What do you think of that?
Yes, but King Middle School, through their clinic is making it so much easier to get the birth control!! It is endorsing sex by saying that even though you are not responsible enough to be having sex, it is okay with us. It is a school!!! Not a doctor's office.
Exactly. I endorse clinics like planned parenthood and doctor offices who supply birth control when really needed. But these are places made especially FOR this purpose. A school's job is not to hand out condoms and birth control pills, it is to teach and educate its students. Just because it's legal, it doesn't mean it should have been done.
What if the child continues to have sex, and they do not get birth controll? Should people say, well that is too bad, hope you don't get pregnant! The school does require counsling for students who take the pill. Getting the pill at a private doctor is just as easy as getting it a a clinic. The clinic isn't even in the school. It is about a couple miles away from it. You know why it is not in the school, because it is the same as the doctors office!
In my opinion birth control rules! Now I don't need it (gay guy hello!?!?) my partner (Artie) doesn't need it either (he has no ovaries) I actually know a few kids that go to king (I went to summer camp in Maine last year) and some of them really need the birth control because like Roni said the health clinic is like a normal doctor for the kids who don't have enough money to go to a private physician. Alexa having sex at 11, 12, or 13 isn't illegal it's just "not advised" plus most of your little vaginas aren't even developed to do it yet (my my girl friends, that is friends who are girls, tell me EVERYTING! and I love them to death for it)
The clinic isn't endorsing sex they are making it so that the kids who don't get guidance from their parents will be safe because, lets face it if a f15 year old want's "it" they will "get it" ( my idiot strait guy friends won't shut up about how often they have "scored")
this is a serious question" would you rather have 15 year old mothers running around, unprepared for parenthood? or have normal 15 year olds that take a tiny little pill every night so that they won't bring a life into the world that won't be taken care of?
BTW my name is a coincidence and it is English and it means "lively". What can I say my moms both value individuality and they thought I looked like a Gaylord right after I popped out, so bada-bing bada-boom I am their son, Gaylord, second only to christ our saviour Jesus himself.
skittles, yes the birth control is available to anyone in the school but the media is focussing in on the 11 year olds to get a rise out of people like you. My best friend Samantha (I call her Sam) goes to king (we met at camp like 5 years ago) and we talk every weekend and she said that there were only 7 girls got pregnant last year in the 3 portland schools and only one girl was from King all 7 of them were 14 or 15.
I think what Roni is saying is that 14 and 15 year olds aren't the only ones with access, but they are the only ones who need the meds. by the was they aren't being handed out you have to talk with the health clinic and you have to tell them that you are "active" and then the doctor trys to persuade you to tell your parents (but you don't have to) then he/she goes over how to use the prescription plus if you are "active" you get almost like a condom goody bag! that reminds me I have to pick a few up for Artie and I (STDs are still a risk, you girls never forget the condom!!! and don't use chocolate flavored they don't tase as good as the packaging says they do. )
Haha. Gaylord...I was wondering if your name was a conincidence! Have you checked out our debate on gay marriage? (Just telling you ahead of time, I'm all for it) What do you have to say to people who are against it? I think you're a great addition to this blog! =)
yeah I commented on that one. To the people who are against it, well I feel sorry for them because they obviously don't understand that love can come in many differnt forms than "the norm". Thanks for being so welcoming! I apprecieated it!
I can't find your comment! :'(
Which post was it on? I really wanna read it!
it was way back in January I think it was on the 12th or the 14th somewhere around there. There is another explination about my name at the end of my comment, you can ignor it it is a copy of the paragraph that is on this this discussion.
Gaylord, if I get a sex change, will you marry me? LOL!
ummm, Artie and I are doing well right now so I'm content at the moment but thanks for the offer.
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